Motivational Speaking
to encourage others
I was catapulted onto public platforms early in my life, for Apartheid woke me up to my ability to use my voice to ring the alarm bell against inequality and suffering from public platforms. Early in my life I realised that speaking out publicly attracts the media, and it is the media which draws together those of us who work to restore the depleted resources of people who are weakened by circumstances beyond their control.
I started speaking publicly from professional platforms in South Africa (SA) as a senior schoolgirl, then supported and encouraged by the liberation movement against Apartheid, a relationship which has lasted 60 years, for I still support the Anti-Apartheid Legacy movement. My path was mapped out when the South African Nursing Council gave me my very first award as Midwife of the Year, in the same year when I had spoken at a nursing conference for the first time.
Since then I have spoken at numerous conferences, medical and legal, am invited to give talks by churches and community organisations, and I shall continue to use my voice from podiums to support the work of those who influence service delivery for the benefit of their beneficiaries.
I particularly support the agendas of organisations which support those who are victims of Human Trafficking and Enslavement (issues addressed in my book Hottentot Venus – the Story of Saartjie Baartman (2023, Austin Macauley), especially during Black History Month, Women’s International days, Refugee Week and Child Protection Week.
I speak about life under Apartheid to support beneficiary engagement and co-production (Asset Based Community Engagement) giving talks to counter social exclusion by sharing oral histories.
I believe that each of us has a responsibility to leave our learning behind for our earth and future generations (Tell your Story). I speak openly about my personal experiences and the journeys of those suffering Intimate Partner Abuse To Have not, to Hold; of caring for victims of Dementia and Stroke (More than Words; Patient Voices; Compassion) and Keeping Children Safe (I Protect Me)
Past Public Speaking Engagements
· Nelson Mandela University and Stellenbosch University, SA;
· Metropolitan and City Universities, London, UK;
· The Anti-Apartheid Legacy movement, London, UK;
· Susila Dharma International Association;
· Libraries across the UK;
· Age UK;
· The Stroke Association, UK (Less Words, More Respect; More Than Words);
· National Conferences for the National Health Service (NHS) UK, including Westminster Hall; Patient Voices; NHS Clinical Governance Team as Associate Director of Patient/Carers Liaison);
· Department of Health, UK (The Invisible Army - The Vital Role of Family Carers);
· Supporting The Emotional Wellbeing of NHS Front Line Staff;
· Radio and TV appearances in South Africa and the UK (Creageivity)